
Sign up for our upcoming group sessions

Anger Management: Harmonizing Emotions Through Music

Join us for an empowering journey of self-discovery and emotional growth in our Anger Management Group. This group provides a safe and supportive space for individuals seeking to understand and manage their anger more effectively.

Group Focus

The Anger Management Group focuses on exploring the various aspects of anger, including recognizing anger cycles, gaining tools to intercept negative thought patterns, and developing effective communication skills to resolve conflicts constructively.

Music Therapy Integration

Music, a universal language, is seamlessly woven into our therapeutic approach. Through engaging activities like lyric analysis and music-based exercises, participants will harness the power of music to express emotions, enhance self-awareness, and promote healing.

Group Objectives

  • Understanding Anger Cycles: Learn to identify triggers and the stages of the anger cycle to gain insight into personal emotional patterns.
  • Thought Stopping Techniques: Acquire practical techniques to interrupt and redirect negative thought processes before they escalate.
  • Effective Communication: Cultivate skills for assertive and compassionate communication to navigate conflicts and build healthier relationships.
  • Family Anger Legacy: Explore how anger was expressed within one’s family and its potential impact on current emotional responses.

Group Details

  • Duration: 12 weeks
  • Frequency: Weekly sessions
  • Target audience: Adults seeking to better manage their anger and enhance emotional regulation.
  • Facilitator: Melissa Roskos, MA, LCPC, MT-BC & Giuliana Gentile, Music Therapy Intern

Cultivating Positivity: A Journey to Embrace Joy and Resilience

Welcome to our transformative group, where we embark on a fulfilling quest to amplify positivity in our lives. In this empowering program, participants will explore the facets of happiness, uncover their unique strengths, and foster a more positive outlook on life.

Group Focus

The Cultivating Positivity Group centers on nurturing a brighter perspective by identifying personal strengths and recognizing the building blocks of happiness. Through dynamic discussions and uplifting exercises, participants will develop techniques to increase positive emotions and enhance overall well-being.

Music Therapy Integration

Music, a powerful catalyst for emotional transformation, will infuse our group with harmony and inspiration. Participants will explore the profound impact of music on emotions through lyric analysis and engaging music-based exercises. As we embrace the mystery of musical expression, we’ll harness its transformative energy to cultivate a positive and resilient mindset.

Group Objectives

  • Unleashing Personal Strengths: Discover and leverage individual strengths to build self-confidence and navigate life’s challenges.
  • Components of Happiness: Explore the essential elements of happiness and learn how to identify and invite joy into everyday life.
  • Techniques for Positive Emotions: Develop practical strategies to foster positive emotions, even during challenging times.

Group Details

  • Duration: 10 weeks
  • Frequency: Weekly sessions
  • Target audience: Adults seeking to embrace positivity and enhance their emotional well-being.
  • Facilitator: Melissa Roskos, MA, LCPC, MT-BC & Giuliana Gentile, Music Therapy Intern

Unleashing Your Potential: Empowering Motivation for Success

Step into a dynamic and supportive space where motivation thrives. Our Unleashing Your Potential group is designed to empower individuals with ADHD to set and achieve their goals through increased motivation and determination.

Group Focus

Unleashing Your Potential centers on equipping participants with practical tools and strategies to ignite motivation, overcome obstacles, and achieve personal aspirations. Through engaging discussions and transformative activities, participants will explore the art of goal setting and learn how to harness motivation effectively.

Music Therapy Integration

Incorporating the harmonizing elements of music and movement, we’ll embark on an uplifting journey. Participants will experience the synergy of music’s rhythm and melody, paired with gentle stretching to invigorate the mind and body. This unique integration sets the stage for motivation to flow naturally, enhancing focus and drive.

Group Objectives

  • The Art of Goal Setting: Learn the essential components of setting realistic and achievable goals tailored to individual strengths.
  • Effective Progression: Gain insights into breaking down goals into manageable steps, fostering a sense of accomplishment and forward momentum.
  • Igniting Motivation: Discover techniques to ignite and sustain motivation, even in the face of challenges or distractions.

Group Details

  • Duration: 12 weeks
  • Frequency: Weekly sessions
  • Target audience: Adolescents with ADHD seeking to enhance motivation and goal attainment.
  • Facilitator: Melissa Roskos, MA, LCPC, MT-BC & Giuliana Gentile, Music Therapy Intern